Source code for spac.transformations

import numpy as np
import scanpy as sc
import pandas as pd
import anndata
import warnings
import logging
import scanpy.external as sce
from spac.utils import check_table, check_annotation, check_feature
from scipy import stats
import umap as umap_lib
from scipy.sparse import issparse
from typing import List, Union, Optional
from numpy.lib import NumpyVersion
import multiprocessing
import parmap
from spac.utag_functions import utag

# Configure logging
                    format='SPAC:%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def phenograph_clustering( adata, features, layer=None, k=50, seed=None, output_annotation="phenograph", associated_table=None, **kwargs): """ Calculate automatic phenotypes using phenograph. The function will add these two attributes to `adata`: `.obs["phenograph"]` The assigned int64 class by phenograph `.uns["phenograph_features"]` The features used to calculate the phenograph clusters Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object. features : list of str The variables that would be included in creating the phenograph clusters. layer : str, optional The layer to be used in calculating the phengraph clusters. k : int, optional The number of nearest neighbor to be used in creating the graph. seed : int, optional Random seed for reproducibility. output_annotation : str, optional The name of the output layer where the clusters are stored. associated_table : str, optional If set, use the corresponding key `adata.obsm` to calcuate the Phenograph. Takes priority over the layer argument. Returns ------- adata : anndata.AnnData Updated AnnData object with the phenograph clusters stored in `adata.obs[output_annotation]` """ _validate_transformation_inputs( adata=adata, layer=layer, associated_table=associated_table, features=features ) if not isinstance(k, int) or k <= 0: raise ValueError("`k` must be a positive integer") if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) data = _select_input_features( adata=adata, layer=layer, associated_table=associated_table, features=features ) phenograph_out =, clustering_algo="leiden", k=k, seed=seed, **kwargs) adata.obs[output_annotation] = pd.Categorical(phenograph_out[0]) adata.uns["phenograph_features"] = features
[docs] def get_cluster_info(adata, annotation, features=None, layer=None): """ Retrieve information about clusters based on specific annotation. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object. annotation : str Annotation in adata.obs for cluster info. features : list of str, optional Features (e.g., markers) for cluster metrics. Defaults to all features in adata.var_names. layer : str, optional The layer to be used in the aggregate summaries. If None, uses adata.X. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with metrics for each cluster including the percentage of each cluster to the whole sample. """ # Use utility functions for input validation check_annotation(adata, annotations=annotation) if features is None: features = list(adata.var_names) else: check_feature(adata, features=features) if layer: check_table(adata, tables=layer) # Convert data matrix or specified layer to DataFrame directly if layer: data_df = adata.to_df(layer=layer) else: data_df = adata.to_df() # Count cells in each cluster cluster_counts = adata.obs[annotation].value_counts().reset_index() cluster_counts.columns = [annotation, "Number of Cells"] # Calculate the percentage of cells in each cluster total_cells = adata.obs.shape[0] cluster_counts['Percentage'] = ( cluster_counts['Number of Cells'] / total_cells ) * 100 # Initialize DataFrame for cluster metrics cluster_metrics = pd.DataFrame({annotation: cluster_counts[annotation]}) # Add cluster annotation data_df[annotation] = adata.obs[annotation].values # Calculate statistics for each feature in each cluster for feature in features: grouped = data_df.groupby(annotation)[feature]\ .agg(["mean", "median"])\ .reset_index() grouped.columns = [ f"{col}_{feature}" if col != annotation else annotation for col in grouped.columns ] cluster_metrics = cluster_metrics.merge( grouped, on=annotation, how="left" ) # Merge cluster counts and percentage cluster_metrics = pd.merge( cluster_metrics, cluster_counts, on=annotation, how="left" ) return cluster_metrics
[docs] def tsne(adata, layer=None, **kwargs): """ Perform t-SNE transformation on specific layer information. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object. layer : str Layer for phenograph cluster calculation. **kwargs Parameters for function. Returns ------- adata : anndata.AnnData Updated AnnData object with t-SNE coordinates. """ # If a layer is provided, it's transferred to 'obsm' for t-SNE computation # in, which defaults to using the 'X' data matrix if not. if not isinstance(adata, anndata.AnnData): raise ValueError("adata must be an AnnData object.") if layer is not None: if layer not in adata.layers: raise ValueError(f"Layer '{layer}' not found in adata.layers.") tsne_obsm_name = layer + "_tsne" X_tsne = adata.to_df(layer=layer) adata.obsm[tsne_obsm_name] = X_tsne else: tsne_obsm_name = None, use_rep=tsne_obsm_name, random_state=7) return adata
[docs] def run_umap( adata, n_neighbors=75, min_dist=0.1, n_components=2, metric='euclidean', random_state=0, transform_seed=42, layer=None, output_derived_feature='X_umap', associated_table=None, **kwargs ): """ Perform UMAP analysis on the specific layer of the AnnData object or the default data. Parameters ---------- adata : AnnData Annotated data matrix. n_neighbors : int, default=75 Number of neighbors to consider when constructing the UMAP. This influences the balance between preserving local and global structures in the data. min_dist : float, default=0.1 Minimum distance between points in the UMAP space. Controls how tightly the embedding is allowed to compress points together. n_components : int, default=2 Number of dimensions for embedding. metric : str, optional Metric to compute distances in high dimensional space. Check `` for options. The default is 'euclidean'. random_state : int, default=0 Seed used by the random number generator(RNG) during UMAP fitting. transform_seed : int, default=42 RNG seed during UMAP transformation. layer : str, optional Layer of AnnData object for UMAP. Defaults to `adata.X`. output_derived_feature : str, default='X_umap' The name of the column in adata.obsm that will contain the umap coordinates. associated_table : str, optional If set, use the corresponding key `adata.obsm` to calcuate the UMAP. Takes priority over the layer argument. Returns ------- adata : anndata.AnnData Updated AnnData object with UMAP coordinates stored in the `obsm` attribute. The key for the UMAP embedding in `obsm` is "X_umap" by default. """ _validate_transformation_inputs( adata=adata, layer=layer, associated_table=associated_table ) data = _select_input_features( adata=adata, layer=layer, associated_table=associated_table ) # Convert data to pandas DataFrame for better memory handling data = pd.DataFrame(data.astype(np.float32)) # Create and configure the UMAP model umap_model = umap_lib.UMAP( n_neighbors=n_neighbors, min_dist=min_dist, n_components=n_components, metric=metric, low_memory=True, random_state=random_state, transform_seed=transform_seed, **kwargs ) # Fit and transform the data with the UMAP model embedding = umap_model.fit_transform(data) # Store the UMAP coordinates back into the AnnData object under the # output_derived_feature key adata.obsm[output_derived_feature] = embedding return adata
[docs] def _validate_transformation_inputs( adata: anndata, layer: Optional[str] = None, associated_table: Optional[str] = None, features: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None ) -> None: """ Validate inputs for transformation functions. Parameters ---------- adata : AnnData Annotated data matrix. layer : str, optional Name of the layer in `adata` to use for transformation. associated_table : str, optional Name of the key in `obsm` that contains the numpy array. features : list of str or str, optional Names of features to use for transformation. Raises ------ ValueError If both `associated_table` and `layer` are specified. """ if associated_table is not None and layer is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both" f" 'associated table':'{associated_table}'" f" and 'table':'{layer}'. Please choose one.") if associated_table is not None: check_table(adata=adata, tables=associated_table, should_exist=True, associated_table=True) else: check_table(adata=adata, tables=layer) if features is not None: check_feature(adata, features=features)
[docs] def _select_input_features(adata: anndata, layer: str = None, associated_table: str = None, features: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Selects the numpy array to be used as input for transformations Parameters ---------- adata : AnnData Annotated data matrix. layer : str, optional Layer of AnnData object for UMAP. Defaults to `None`. associated_table : str, optional Name of the key in `adata.obsm` that contains the numpy array. Defaults to `None`. features : str or List[str], optional Names of the features to select from layer. If None, all features are selected. Defaults to None. Returns ------- np.ndarray The selected numpy array. """ if associated_table is not None: # Flatten the obsm numpy array before returning it'Using the associated table:"{associated_table}"') np_array = adata.obsm[associated_table] return np_array.reshape(np_array.shape[0], -1) else: np_array = adata.layers[layer] if layer is not None else adata.X'Using the table:"{layer}"') if features is not None: if isinstance(features, str): features = [features]'Using features:"{features}"') np_array = np_array[:, [adata.var_names.get_loc(feature) for feature in features]] return np_array
[docs] def batch_normalize(adata, annotation, output_layer, input_layer=None, method="median", log=False): """ Adjust the features of every marker using a normalization method. The normalization methods are summarized here: Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object. annotation: str The name of the annotation in `adata` to define batches. output_layer : str The name of the new layer to add to the anndata object for storing normalized data. input_layer : str, optional The name of the layer from which to read data. If None, read from `.X`. method : {"median", "Q50", "Q75", "z-score"}, default "median" The normalization method to use. log : bool, default False If True, take the log2 of features before normalization. Ensure this is boolean. """ # Use utility functions for input validation check_annotation(adata, annotations=annotation) if input_layer: check_table(adata, tables=input_layer) if not isinstance(log, bool): logger.error("Argument 'log' must be of type bool.") raise ValueError("Argument 'log' must be of type bool.") allowed_methods = ["median", "Q50", "Q75", "z-score"] if method not in allowed_methods: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported normalization method '{method}', " f"allowed methods = {allowed_methods}" ) # Create a copy of the input layer or '.X' if input_layer: original = pd.DataFrame(adata.layers[input_layer], index=adata.obs.index).copy() else: original = pd.DataFrame(adata.X, index=adata.obs.index).copy() # Logarithmic transformation if required if log: original = np.log2(1+original)"Data transformed with log2") # Initialize the batch annotation values batches = adata.obs[annotation].unique().tolist() if method == "median" or method == "Q50": all_batch_quantile = original.quantile(q=0.5)"Median for al cells: %s", all_batch_quantile) elif method == "Q75": all_batch_quantile = original.quantile(q=0.75)"Q75 for all cells: %s", all_batch_quantile) elif method == "z-score":"Z-score setup is handled in batch processing loop.") # Normalize each batch for batch in batches: batch_cells = original[adata.obs[annotation] == batch]"Processing batch: {batch}, " f"original values:\n{batch_cells}") if method == "median": batch_median = batch_cells.quantile(q=0.5)"Median for {batch}: %s", batch_median) original.loc[ (adata.obs[annotation] == batch) ] = batch_cells + (all_batch_quantile - batch_median) elif method == "Q50": batch_50quantile = batch_cells.quantile(q=0.5)"Q50 for {batch}: %s", batch_50quantile) original.loc[adata.obs[annotation] == batch] = ( batch_cells * all_batch_quantile / batch_50quantile ) elif method == "Q75": batch_75quantile = batch_cells.quantile(q=0.75)"Q75 for {batch}: %s", batch_75quantile) original.loc[adata.obs[annotation] == batch] = ( batch_cells * all_batch_quantile / batch_75quantile ) elif method == "z-score": mean = batch_cells.mean() std = batch_cells.std(ddof=0) # DataFrame.std() by default ddof=1"mean for {batch}: %s", mean)"std for {batch}: %s", std) # Ensure std is not zero by using a minimal threshold (e.g., 1e-8) std = np.maximum(std, 1e-8) original.loc[adata.obs[annotation] == batch] = \ (batch_cells - mean) / std # Store normalized data in the specified output layer adata.layers[output_layer] = original"Normalization completed. Data in layer '{output_layer}'.")
[docs] def rename_annotations(adata, src_annotation, dest_annotation, mappings): """ Rename labels in a given annotation in an AnnData object based on a provided dictionary. This function modifies the adata object in-place and creates a new annotation column. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object. src_annotation : str Name of the column in adata.obs containing the original labels of the source annotation. dest_annotation : str The name of the new column to be created in the AnnData object containing the renamed labels. mappings : dict A dictionary mapping the original annotation labels to the new labels. Examples -------- >>> adata = your_anndata_object >>> src_annotation = "phenograph" >>> mappings = { ... "0": "group_8", ... "1": "group_2", ... "2": "group_6", ... # ... ... "37": "group_5", ... } >>> dest_annotation = "renamed_annotations" >>> adata = rename_annotations( ... adata, src_annotation, dest_annotation, mappings) """ # Use utility functions for input validation check_annotation(adata, annotations=src_annotation) # Inform the user about the data type of the original column original_dtype = adata.obs[src_annotation].dtype print(f"The data type of the original column '{src_annotation}' is " f"{original_dtype}.") # Convert the keys in mappings to the same data type as the unique values unique_values = adata.obs[src_annotation].unique() mappings = { type(unique_values[0])(key): value for key, value in mappings.items() } # Identify and handle unmapped labels missing_mappings = [ key for key in unique_values if key not in mappings.keys() ] if missing_mappings: warnings.warn( f"Missing mappings for the following labels: {missing_mappings}. " f"They will be set to NaN in the '{dest_annotation}' column." ) for missing in missing_mappings: mappings[missing] = np.nan # Assign NaN for missing mappings # Create a new column based on the mappings adata.obs[dest_annotation] = ( adata.obs[src_annotation].map(mappings).astype("category") )
[docs] def normalize_features( adata, low_quantile=0.02, high_quantile=0.98, interpolation="linear", input_layer=None, output_layer="normalized_feature", per_batch=False, annotation=None ): """ Normalize the features stored in an AnnData object. Any entry lower than the value corresponding to low_quantile of the column will be assigned a value of low_quantile, and entry that are greater than high_quantile value will be assigned as the value of high_quantile. Other entries will be normalized with (values - quantile min)/(quantile max - quantile min). Resulting column will have value ranged between [0, 1]. """ # Check if the provided input_layer exists in the AnnData object if input_layer is not None: check_table(adata, tables=input_layer) # Check if output_layer already exists and issue a warning if it does if output_layer in adata.layers: warnings.warn( f"Layer '{output_layer}' already exists. It will be overwritten " "with the new transformed data." ) if not isinstance(high_quantile, (int, float)): raise TypeError( "The high quantile should be a numeric value, currently got {}" .format(type(high_quantile)) ) if not isinstance(low_quantile, (int, float)): raise TypeError( "The low quantile should be a numeric value, currently got {}" .format(type(low_quantile)) ) if low_quantile >= high_quantile: raise ValueError( "The low quantile should be smaller than the high quantile, " "current values are: low quantile: {}, high_quantile: {}" .format(low_quantile, high_quantile) ) if high_quantile <= 0 or high_quantile > 1: raise ValueError( "The high quantile value should be within (0, 1], current value:" " {}".format(high_quantile) ) if low_quantile < 0 or low_quantile >= 1: raise ValueError( "The low quantile value should be within [0, 1), current value: {}" .format(low_quantile) ) if interpolation not in ["nearest", "linear"]: raise ValueError( "interpolation must be either 'nearest' or 'linear', passed value" " is: {}".format(interpolation) ) # Extract the data to transform if input_layer is not None: data_to_transform = adata.layers[input_layer] else: data_to_transform = adata.X # Ensure data is in numpy array format data_to_transform = (data_to_transform.toarray() if issparse(data_to_transform) else data_to_transform) if per_batch: if annotation is None: raise ValueError( "annotation must be provided if per_batch is True." ) transformed_data = apply_per_batch( data_to_transform, adata.obs[annotation].values, method='normalize_features', low_quantile=low_quantile, high_quantile=high_quantile, interpolation=interpolation ) else: transformed_data = normalize_features_core( data_to_transform, low_quantile=low_quantile, high_quantile=high_quantile, interpolation=interpolation ) # Store the transformed data in the specified output_layer adata.layers[output_layer] = pd.DataFrame( transformed_data, index=adata.obs_names, columns=adata.var_names ) return adata
[docs] def normalize_features_core(data, low_quantile=0.02, high_quantile=0.98, interpolation='linear'): """ Normalize the features in a numpy array. Any entry lower than the value corresponding to low_quantile of the column will be assigned a value of low_quantile, and entries that are greater than high_quantile value will be assigned as value of high_quantile. Other entries will be normalized with (values - quantile min)/(quantile max - quantile min). Resulting column will have values ranged between [0, 1]. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data to be normalized. low_quantile : float, optional (default: 0.02) The lower quantile to use for normalization. Determines the minimum value after normalization. Must be a positive float between [0,1). high_quantile : float, optional (default: 0.98) The higher quantile to use for normalization. Determines the maximum value after normalization. Must be a positive float between (0,1]. interpolation: str, optional (default: "linear") The interpolation method to use when selecting the value for low and high quantile. Values can be "nearest" or "linear". Returns ------- np.ndarray The normalized data. Raises ------ TypeError If low_quantile or high_quantile are not numeric. ValueError If low_quantile is not less than high_quantile, or if they are out of the range [0, 1] and (0, 1], respectively. ValueError If interpolation is not one of the allowed values. """ if not isinstance(high_quantile, (int, float)): raise TypeError( "The high quantile should be a numeric value, " f"currently got {str(type(high_quantile))}") if not isinstance(low_quantile, (int, float)): raise TypeError( "The low quantile should be a numeric value, " f"currently got {str(type(low_quantile))}") if low_quantile < high_quantile: if high_quantile <= 0 or high_quantile > 1: raise ValueError( "The high quantile value should be within " f"(0, 1], current value: {high_quantile}") if low_quantile < 0 or low_quantile >= 1: raise ValueError( "The low quantile value should be within " f"[0, 1), current value: {low_quantile}") else: raise ValueError( "The low quantile should be smaller than " "the high quantile, current values are:\n" f"low quantile: {low_quantile}\n" f"high quantile: {high_quantile}") if interpolation not in ["nearest", "linear"]: raise ValueError( "Interpolation must be either 'nearest' or 'linear', " f"passed value is: {interpolation}") # Version check for numpy using NumpyVersion numpy_version = np.__version__ if NumpyVersion(numpy_version) >= NumpyVersion('1.22.0'): # Use 'method' argument for newer versions quantiles = np.quantile( data, [low_quantile, high_quantile], axis=0, method=interpolation ) else: # Use 'interpolation' argument for older versions quantiles = np.quantile( data, [low_quantile, high_quantile], axis=0, interpolation=interpolation ) qmin = quantiles[0] qmax = quantiles[1] # Calculate range_values and identify zero ranges range_values = qmax - qmin zero_range_mask = range_values == 0 # Prevent division by zero by setting zero ranges to 1 temporarily range_values = range_values.astype(float) range_values[zero_range_mask] = 1.0 # Clip raw values to the quantile range before normalization clipped_data = np.clip(data, qmin, qmax) # Normalize the clipped values normalized_data = (clipped_data - qmin) / range_values # Correct normalized data for zero ranges normalized_data[:, zero_range_mask] = 0.0 return normalized_data
[docs] def arcsinh_transformation( adata, input_layer=None, co_factor=None, percentile=None, output_layer="arcsinh", per_batch=False, annotation=None ): """ Apply arcsinh transformation using a co-factor (fixed number) or a given percentile of each feature. This transformation can be applied to the entire dataset or per batch based on provided parameters. Computes the co-factor or percentile for each biomarker individually, ensuring proper scaling based on its unique range of expression levels. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object containing the data to transform. input_layer : str, optional The name of the layer in the AnnData object to transform. If None, the main data matrix .X is used. co_factor : float, optional A fixed positive number to use as a co-factor for the transformation. percentile : float, optional The percentile is computed for each feature (column) individually. output_layer : str, default="arcsinh" Name of the layer to put the transformed results. If it already exists, it will be overwritten with a warning. per_batch : bool, optional, default=False Whether to apply the transformation per batch. annotation : str, optional The name of the annotation in `adata` to define batches. Required if per_batch is True. Returns ------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object with the transformed data stored in the specified output_layer. """ # Validate input parameters if co_factor is None and percentile is None: raise ValueError( "Both co_factor and percentile are None. Provide one to proceed." ) if co_factor is not None and percentile is not None: raise ValueError( "Please specify either co_factor or percentile, not both." ) if co_factor and co_factor <= 0: raise ValueError( f'Co_factor should be a positive value. Received: "{co_factor}"' ) if percentile is not None and not (0 <= percentile <= 100): raise ValueError( f'Percentile should be between 0 and 100. Received: "{percentile}"' ) # Check if the provided input_layer exists in the AnnData object if input_layer: check_table(adata, tables=input_layer) data_to_transform = adata.layers[input_layer] else: data_to_transform = adata.X # Ensure data is in numpy array format data_to_transform = data_to_transform.toarray() \ if issparse(data_to_transform) else data_to_transform if per_batch: if annotation is None: raise ValueError( "annotation must be provided if per_batch is True." ) check_annotation( adata, annotations=annotation, parameter_name="annotation" ) transformed_data = apply_per_batch( data_to_transform, adata.obs[annotation].values, method='arcsinh_transformation', co_factor=co_factor, percentile=percentile ) else: # Apply the arcsinh transformation using the core function transformed_data = arcsinh_transformation_core( data_to_transform, co_factor=co_factor, percentile=percentile ) # Check if output_layer already exists and issue a warning if it does if output_layer in adata.layers: warnings.warn( f"Layer '{output_layer}' already exists. It will be overwritten " "with the new transformed data." ) # Store the transformed data in the specified output_layer adata.layers[output_layer] = pd.DataFrame( transformed_data, index=adata.obs_names, columns=adata.var_names ) return adata
[docs] def arcsinh_transformation_core(data, co_factor=None, percentile=None): """ Apply arcsinh transformation using a co-factori or a percentile. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data to transform. co_factor : float, optional A fixed positive number to use as a co-factor for the transformation. percentile : float, optional The percentile to determine the co-factor if co_factor is not provided. The percentile is computed for each feature (column) individually. Returns ------- np.ndarray The transformed data. Raises ------ ValueError If both co_factor and percentile are None. If both co_factor and percentile are specified. If percentile is not in the range [0, 100]. """ if co_factor is None and percentile is None: raise ValueError("Either co_factor or percentile must be provided.") if co_factor is not None and percentile is not None: raise ValueError( "Please specify either co_factor or percentile, not both.") if co_factor is None: if not (0 <= percentile <= 100): raise ValueError("Percentile should be between 0 and 100.") co_factor = np.percentile(data, percentile, axis=0) # Perform arcsinh transformation with special handling for zero co_factor # If co_factor > 0, apply arcsinh(data / co_factor) # If co_factor == 0, apply arcsinh(data) to avoid division by zero transformed_data = np.where(co_factor > 0, np.arcsinh(data / co_factor), np.arcsinh(data)) return transformed_data
[docs] def z_score_normalization(adata, output_layer, input_layer=None, **kwargs): """ Compute z-scores for the provided AnnData object. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object containing the data to normalize. output_layer : str The name of the layer to store the computed z-scores. input_layer : str, optional The name of the layer in the AnnData object to normalize. If None, the main data matrix .X is used. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments to pass to scipy.stats.zscore. """ # Check if the provided input_layer exists in the AnnData object if input_layer: check_table(adata, tables=input_layer) data_to_normalize = adata.layers[input_layer] else: data_to_normalize = adata.X # Ensure data is in numpy array format data_to_normalize = data_to_normalize.toarray() \ if issparse(data_to_normalize) else data_to_normalize # Compute z-scores using scipy.stats.zscore normalized_data = stats.zscore( data_to_normalize, axis=0, nan_policy='omit', **kwargs ) # Store the computed z-scores in the specified output_layer adata.layers[output_layer] = pd.DataFrame( normalized_data, index=adata.obs_names, columns=adata.var_names ) # Print a message indicating that normalization is complete print( f'Z-score normalization completed. ' f'Data stored in layer "{output_layer}".' )
[docs] def apply_per_batch(data, annotation, method, **kwargs): """ Apply a given function to data per batch, with additional parameters. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data to transform. annotation : np.ndarray Batch annotations for each row in the data. method : str The function to apply to each batch. Options: 'arcsinh_transformation' or 'normalize_features'. kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to the function. Returns ------- np.ndarray The transformed data. """ # Check data integrity if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(annotation, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("data and annotation must be numpy arrays") if len(data) != len(annotation): raise ValueError("data and annotation must have the same number of " "rows") if data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("data must be a 2D array") method_dict = { 'arcsinh_transformation': arcsinh_transformation_core, 'normalize_features': normalize_features_core } if method not in method_dict: raise ValueError("method must be 'arcsinh_transformation' or " "'normalize_features'") transform_function = method_dict[method] transformed_data = np.zeros_like(data) unique_batches = np.unique(annotation) for batch in unique_batches: batch_indices = np.where(annotation == batch)[0] batch_data = data[batch_indices] normalized_batch_data = transform_function(batch_data, **kwargs) transformed_data[batch_indices] = normalized_batch_data return transformed_data
# utag clustering
[docs] def run_utag_clustering( adata, features=None, k=15, resolution=1, max_dist=20, n_pcs=10, random_state=42, n_jobs=1, n_iterations=5, slide_key="Slide", layer=None, output_annotation="UTAG", associated_table=None, parallel=False, **kwargs ): """ Run UTAG clustering on the AnnData object. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData The AnnData object. features : list List of features to use for clustering or for PCA. Default (None) is to use all. k : int The number of nearest neighbor to be used in creating the graph. Default is 15. resolution : float Resolution parameter for the clustering, higher resolution produces more clusters. Default is 1. max_dist : float Maximum distance to cut edges within a graph. Default is 20. n_principal_components : int Number of principal components to use for clustering. random_state : int Random state for reproducibility. n_jobs : int Number of jobs to run in parallel. Default is 5. n_iterations : int Number of iterations for the clustering. slide_key: str Key of adata.obs containing information on the batch structure of the data.In general, for image data this will often be a variable indicating the imageb so image-specific effects are removed from data. Default is "Slide". Returns ------- adata : anndata.AnnData Updated AnnData object with clustering results. """ resolutions = [resolution] _validate_transformation_inputs( adata=adata, layer=layer, associated_table=associated_table, features=features ) # add print the current k value if not isinstance(k, int) or k <= 0: raise ValueError(f"`k` must be a positive integer, but received {k}.") if random_state is not None: np.random.seed(random_state) if features is not None: data = _select_input_features( adata=adata, layer=layer, associated_table=associated_table, features=features,) adata_utag = adata[:, features].copy() adata_utag.X = data else: adata_utag = adata.copy() utag_results = utag( adata_utag, slide_key=slide_key, max_dist=max_dist, normalization_mode='l1_norm', apply_clustering=True, clustering_method="leiden", resolutions=resolutions, leiden_kwargs={"n_iterations": n_iterations, "random_state": random_state}, n_pcs=n_pcs, parallel=parallel, processes=n_jobs, k=k, ) # change camel case to snake curClusterCol = 'UTAG Label_leiden_' + str(resolution) cluster_list = utag_results.obs[curClusterCol].copy() adata.obs[output_annotation] = cluster_list.copy() adata.uns["utag_features"] = features